Audience: Graduate/Undergraduate students
In this workshop students will learn the basic tools of rhino and how to navigate through the Software. The class is broken up into four parts.
_Introduction: you will learn about the user interface and the basic ways of navigating through the software.
_2D - Application: You will learn the different ways of drafting in 2D. You will also learn about drawing curves and important commands when drafting in 2D.
_3D - Application: You will learn about 3D-modelling and how to control/adjust your model through different tools and commands.
_Amazing commands and their application - You will learn a few commands that make rhino different than other softwares for the better. As a group we will go through each Commands and do exercises. We will also look at example works done through rhino to help you understand the full potential of this software.
The goal of this project is to show you how rhino could be applied for many purposes. From designing business cards to sophisticated 3 dimensional objects.